Located at Finger Lake Racetrack in Farmington, NY (near Rochester, NY). Our volunteers were absolutely in love with this true war horse! This guy’s trainer stated that he was so quiet, he’d get right on him in a halter and lead rope! He certainly showed as that as he jogged with both his trainer and then our volunteer, who reported that Troubleinrivercity stayed at her shoulder the entire time, adjusting his stride to meet hers! He is full of personality, waiting for head scratches and searching for peppermints. This guy is reported sound on clean legs and has no stall vices. If you’re looking for a tall, athletic, perfect gentleman, this is definitely the horse for you! Troubleinrivercity is by Trippi and out of From behind by Cloud Hopping. This guy has stayed sound for his 88 starts an has a very “been there, done that” attitude that will lend to a fantastic second career! Don’t let this one get away!
Price: $2,000
Contact: John (trainer’s brother) at 585-314-4111
As always, a pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended.