Located at the Finger Lakes Race Track in Farmington, NY (near Rochester, NY). This leggy, good looking youngster still has some growing and maturing to do, but we immediately noticed his shiny, dappled coat, strong shoulder, and deep heart girth. He is by Treasure Beach, who is a son of Galileo, the world’s greatest sire, and a son of Sadler’s Wells. We know several eventers and sport horse people who covet the Treasure Beach offspring, because they are serious athletes, good movers, great jumpers, and have great brains. Hunter’s Dream’s dam is by Wildcat Heir, and out of a mare from the Unbridled/Fappiano sire line. His handler describes him as a “really good boy” to work around. She states that he became a “slight cribber” only recently, and that he presently wears a collar for this.She thinks that once he is off the track, gets to enjoy turnout, and a less stressful environment, this reaction to the confinement of the track environment is likely to go away. After 15 starts (with one win and 5 in the money finishes), she feels that he is not competitive in the next level of competition, so they are looking to move him on to a new career. She states that he is “completely sound” and we also observed a freely moving boy with clean legs and no blemishes. He stood well for his conformation shots and was friendly and patient as we estimated his height. When he jogged, we saw an athletic and nice moving horse, with the classic ‘toe-flicking’ trot. He appears well-balanced and exhibited cat-like grace and self-carriage and body awareness. We think that this one has true upper level potential. We saw him four days after he had last raced, and in the intervening days he had done nothing but walk around the shedrow, so when he got to come outside to jog, he showed flashes of exuberance, but was very respectful of his handler. He would likely benefit from a couple months to let down and grow and fill out, but if you are patient enough to bring this fantastic youngster along, you could have a nice-sized, handsome partner with unlimited athletic potential for a bargain price!
Price: $850 negotiable
Contact: Jamie Boldt 585-943-4298 (text preferred)
As always, a pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended.