Located at Finger Lakes Race Track, Farmington, NY
Our volunteers were very impressed with this big, elegant flashy filly. We admired her solid bone, great strong shoulder and lengthy build. She showed off a huge overstep at the walk, and a lovely light and even trot. Her trainer says that she is sound, but just mentally done with racing. He has had her on his farm which is just down the road from the track, and he says she is good in turn out and very nice to be around and easy to handle. She was perfectly polite for her photo session on a cold day that had many horses fidgeting — but not her. Overturned is an Ontario bred daughter of Court Vision. Court Vision happens to be the the full brother of our current FB page cover boy, King’s Vision, who, as you can see from his cover photo, is quite the talented jumper winning at the top levels of the show hunter circuit. If Overturned has picked up the family jumping gene from her “Uncle King” then we think she is destined for stardom as a sport horse.
Price: $3500 negotiable
Contact Sal Iorio 585-455-4019 (text preferred)
A pre-purchase exam is always recommended. For information about on track vet practices available to do PPEs, please see the post pinned to the top of our FB page or the How to Buy menu tab on our website.