This handsome, unraced, young fella was the first of several young horses we met this morning. Before he was brought out of the barn we chatted with his trainer in front of his stall and we immediately loved his pretty face. He was just recently brought back to the track from winter on the farm and it is abundantly clear to his connections that his head really isn’t in the game. Last year, as a two year old, he didn’t show much interest or aptitude for racing but his trainer hoped a winter off would give him enough extra maturity to get with the program. Not so much! PF has a great appetite according to his trainer and has free choice hay in a net but is not putting on weight, so he looks gangly and very much like the baby he is. He is described as kind and wonderful to work with and does everything asked of him but is just not happy at the racetrack. His trainer thinks that a brand new environment would do him a world of good and we would have to agree. PW is sound and he exhibited attention to his handler although his attention was on the multiple horses going to and coming off the track near a main horse path. In an environment that pleases him, without the bustle of the backside, we think this young horse will fill out and come into himself. At the jog he showed nice suspension and movement. This youngster is a clean, blank slate to finish your way at a bargain price to boot!
Price $1500
Contact Deb Breed 585-289-3467 landline, no text, no calls after 8 p.m.
As always, a pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended.