Located at Finger Lakes Racetrack, Farmington, NY
This sweet lady was already wrapped for the evening, but she still wanted to come greet our volunteers. She stood alertly, watching other horses, but never let their commotion affect her at all! She is reported to always be this easy going, always sweet, and always easy to ride. The same horse every time you take her out of her stall. She is reported to be sound and to have no stable vices. She clearly loves her peppermints as she nuzzled our volunteers while we were photographing! This kind girl has a sweet eye and cute ears atop her lovely, chiseled face. She displayed a flat-kneed, effortless jog, despite already being wrapped for the evening. Secret Alchemy is by Sky Mesa, who’s by the highly revered and highly desired Pulpit, out of a Harlan’s Holiday mare.
Price: $2500 negotiable
Contact: Dana Saul (315) 871-9383
A pre-purchase exam is always recommended. For information about on-track veterinary practices available to do PPEs, please see the post pinned to the top of our FB page or the How to Buy menu tab on our website