Love at first sight!! Our volunteer immediately fell in love with this handsome warhorse who has immense presence and a huge heart. His trainer raved about what a wonderful boy he is-a true barn favorite that will be missed. He has earned over $170,000 with 39 in the money finishes. After a successful career, he is just not showing the same level of competitiveness as he previously did, so his trainer is retiring him sound and clean legged-a testament to his durability. In our experience, it is these warhorses that are the most durable, hardworking, and dependable, with exceptional longevity in their second careers. Afleet Magic is large in height, body, and will. His height combined with his stocky build will fill up the tallest of riders’ legs. His trainer feels he would make an excellent event horse-and we agree. He showed a beautiful, ground covering trot with excellent movement from the shoulder. Combined with his uphill build, he will be a force to be reckoned with amongst any competition! His trainer states that he is “easy to live with”, an excellent eater (we can tell by his weight!), and has absolutely no stable vices. Horses with this build and movement tend to be quick sells!®istry=T
Price: $1500neg
Contact: Mike LaCesse 585-303-9467