This is one aptly named gelding! Big boned and big bodied show hunters (even field hunters) will love this boy and we loved how he stood patiently as we took his pictures. And look at that tail…wow, no complaining about how scraggly this one is! One thing for certain, this boy will get you noticed! He had just raced so we didn’t get a video but his trainer says he is sound, only the typical stiffness seen just after a race; we will go back for a video after he’s had a day or two to rest. His trainer told us he has a knee that shows the signs of being kicked as a youngster but its never caused any issues. This is a three year old so not for beginners but someone will be rewarded for changing careers with Mr. Flashy.
Price: $1500
Contact: Christine Atwood 585-478-8349 or e-mail at (e-mail preferred since she is often busy on a horse during mornings and racing days).®istry=T