This striking dappled chestnut filly is very tall- we estimate than she might even be 17 hands! And, at only four, she might grow a bit more. She has a bit of flashy chrome to set you apart from the crowd in any show ring (we do love that her hind stockings are “even”) and a distinctive blaze /snip that reminds us of a seahorse. She’s nicely put together with a long, elegant neck and is quite deep through her heartgirth and body. We noted some good-looking feet. We were told that she has a tiny overbite. We’re told that she’s very sweet, loves candy, and is “never mean or mare-ish”, but can have a tad more of an anxious personality (we find that many high achievers- whether horses or people- who want to be people-pleasers are that way) but that this never manifest in any vices. We’re told that she’s great in her stall, “never stupid”, and good to handle. And during our visit, she stood politely and was very attentive and seemed to relax even more once she started moving. Her connections say that she is their favorite in the barn to ride- and we think that speaks volumes! When she’s been off the track, she’s great in turn out; we suspect that she is an even nicer horse off the track with ample turnout. We observed a relaxed forward walk with nice overstep and some classic low “daisy cutter” movement during her jog video. Her trainer said that she has had some body tightness with her recent growth spurts and that they’ve given her chiro and magna wave therapy which she loves. So an occasional spa day may be beneficial for (and certainly much appreciated by) her especially while she finishes growing. She’s lightly raced with only seven starts, but has broken her maiden and moving into tougher competition. If she’s not sold now, she’ll continue racing but we think that she is a lovely young filly could be a great prospect now, finish growing and filling out over the winter, then hit the show ring next spring. Northumberland is by Redesdale, a son of Speightstown out of a Danzig mare, and her dam is by Borrego who is from the El Prado/Sadler Wells lines, out of a Kingmambo dam. These are great sport horse lines!
Racing Record:…