As her owner brought her out to give her a bath and get her ready for her glamour shots, we all oohed and aahed at what a gorgeous and solid bodied growing girl Swedenborg is! She blooms with dappled good health, and her owner says she is a very sweet and kind peppermint hound who lets her four year old twins love on her. Since winning for the second time earlier this year, Swedenborg has not fared as well against the tougher level of competition she must now face, so they want to move her on to a new career, where they hope she will find someone to love on her and keep her plied with peppermints. She has had 17 starts, with 2 wins and three seconds. Swedenborg is described as sound, and her legs are clean. For her jog video she displayed a smooth, balanced, flat kneed trot. She is only three, so she should grow some more, and with her solid build she will take up the leg of a taller rider. She has unlimited potential for any new discipline. She is sired by Gemologist, who is a son of Tiznow — a very popular sire line for sporting disciplines. Her dam is by Henessey, and her second dam is a multiple stakes winner and stakes producer, so there is definitely broodmare potential in this young filly.
Price: $2,000/ negotiable
Contact: Ronnie Breed 585-749-7443®istry=T
As always, a pre-purchase veterinary exam is recommended.